Sunday, July 28, 2019

Sewing Projects

It's been a while since I've posted, but you know, life gets in the way. This year my sister and I are each taking three online classes, which is a big change in our lives. I've been homeschooled my whole life so it is kinda like going to school, but so much better. (: These classes have been taking up most of my time, but I actually had a little today and I've had these pictures for a while so I thought I'd post.
I have been sewing for about four or five years. I would go over to my grandma's house and we would sew aprons and things, which I mostly didn't finish, but that got me introduced to sewing. I started a quilt when I was like twelve and have been sewing it ever since. All I have left is the binding, but I just didn't feel motivated or want to finish it. But then my sister and I started going to English Country Dancing. We have balls twice a year, each with a theme of Civil War, Victorian or Regency. We looked for appropriate dresses to wear, but there didn't seem to be any Civil War dresses in the price range. So I made an outfit for both of us, my first time sewing clothes, and I loved it! 

Clothes are just so much more fun to sew than quilts (for me, of course!). I guess because clothes don't take as long to sew and you actually get to wear your finished project. These outfits will never win a prize, but I was quite proud of them. Now I look at them and think they are terrible, but, I was only thirteen when I made them.
I surely haven't made a ton, but here is most of it.


My skirts are not amazing, they're OK. I've never used a pattern so that might be the reason. :D


I'm posing a little weird in the blue dress (though all my poses are weird) because I took the zipper out for another project and am holding the back closed, but I wanted to show it because it was the first thing I sewed with my very own sewing machine! I got it for Christmas, which was a HUGE surprise! I actually barely remember making it, but I do remember trying to get the hem done for a New Year's Eve party! I only turned the hem under once instead of twice because I was in such a hurry!

This was my second ball dress, a Regency one this time. It turned out pretty well, though I was wanting a lighter blue but the store didn't have enough.  

Both of these are made out of sheets from the thrift store. I like mine, though most Victorian dresses were more fitted. I am attempting to make a corset at the moment (not going so well) and will hopefully make a more fitted dress to go with it. Amelia's dress is not bad, but I wish I had raised the waistline. I think I'll try before the next Victorian ball, but who knows if that will work?
I've made a few more things since I took these pictures. Just a dress out of a sheet, and a circle skirt from a round tablecloth. Oh, and another circle skirt, but I dismantled it and have never put it back together!
Well, I like to sew, if you hadn't noticed! The Autumn Ball is almost upon us, so I am making a Regency dress for my sister and me. Mine will be tiny purple and white stripes, and Amelia's will be pale, pale yellow with cream lace on it. I am excited to start, but I will be busy for the next month! I also just finished knitting my first pair of gloves, so there might be a post about that soon.
Maybe I'll actually post a little more now? We'll see.
Mattie G.

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